Johns Hopkins University has endorsed recommendations outlined in the 2006 Report of the University Committee on the Status of Women at the Johns Hopkins University that include the prioritization of gender parity, women’s concerns, and work-life balance for faculty. The announcement was made after the three-year study found that Johns Hopkins has a much poorer record than other comparable research institutions at hiring female faculty and promoting women to leadership positions. According to Inside Higher Ed, women make up 51 percent of the student body, but only 36 percent of full-time faculty, and women full professors are only 18 percent of the faculty and 15 percent of department heads.
The authors of the report, which is titled “Vision 2020,” recommend that, by the year 2020, Johns Hopkins should reach “50 percent representation of women in senior faculty and leadership positions and gender equity with respect to every measure of career satisfaction and advancement.” To achieve this goal, the committee recommends that Johns Hopkins invest more resources in women faculty members, develop new hiring practices for administrative and senior faculty positions, and “consider redesign of executive leadership roles to be attractive to women and supportive of their success.” Provost Steven Knapp is confident that the University will be able to achieve this goal, saying “There is a huge pool of talented women in the pipeline and we need to focus on that,” Inside Higher Ed reports.
Linda Fried, professor of medicine, Director of the Center on Ageing and Health, and chair of the committee that released the report, noted that the University will have to address its work culture if these changes are to be realized. According to Inside Higher Ed, Fried said, “Hopkins, like a lot of universities, expects 24/7 dedication to work… Men and women see this as an anachronism. We need to develop a broader array of excellence metrics, with more work-life balance, so that people can be valued and not seen as less dedicated to work.”
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