
Kansas Senate Attempted Override of Anti-abortion Bill Veto Fails

An attempt by Republican lawmakers in the Kansas Senate to override Governor Kathleen Sebelius’s veto of an anti-abortion bill failed last week. Sebelius vetoed a measure that would have imposed more restrictions on abortion providers, and would have allowed family members of patients to sue if they think a doctor had performed or was about to perform an illegal late-term abortion. The bill would have also endangered patient privacy, allowing prosecutors to access medical records in order to investigate reports of alleged violations of abortion law.

The Kansas Senate voted 25-14 in favor of overriding the Governor’s veto, two votes shy of the two-thirds majority required, reports the Associated Press.

“We are delighted that women’s health and safety has been upheld in Kansas and that women will be able to make those health care decisions for themselves,” said Julie Burkhart, chief executive for ProKanDo, a leading state pro-choice group, according to the Wichita Eagle.


Wichita Eagle 5/1/08; Associated Press 5/1/08; Feminist Daily Newswire 4/22/08

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