The Kansas state Senate failed yesterday to override Kansas Governor Mark Parkinson’s (D) veto on an anti-choice bill that would have altered the definition of a viable fetus and required medical documentation for a late-term abortion if enacted. According to the Kansas City Star, the Senate voted 26 to 14 in favor of the veto, one vote short of the two-thirds majority needed to override the veto and enact the legislation. The Kansas state House had voted for an override Monday on an 86 to 35 vote. This body had initially failed to achieve the two-thirds majority required to override the veto by just two votes on Friday. Current Kansas law considers a fetus to be viable outside the womb at the 21st week of pregnancy and states that an abortion is legal “as long as [the] fetus is not viable…and mother’s informed consent [is] obtained.” The law also states that “abortion of [a] viable fetus [is] permitted if [a] 2nd M.D. certifies that abortion is necessary to preserve life of mother or [if the] fetus has severe, life-threatening deformity or abnormality.” When he vetoed the legislation, Governor Parkinson said that the current law “strikes a reasonable balance on a very difficult issue,” reported the Capitol Journal. There have been no known late abortions in Kansas since the murder of Dr. George Tiller last year. Scott Roeder was convicted of the murder in March and sentenced to 50 years in prison without the possibility of parole.