
Kansas Supreme Court Hears Tiller Patient Records Subpoena Arguments Today

The Kansas Supreme Court will hear arguments today over the validity of a grand jury subpoena of private medical records of some 2,000 of Dr Tiller’s patients. Dr. Tiller has been fighting the subpoena out of concern for his patients’ privacy.

Dr. Tiller is one of the few late-term abortion providers available for women with troubled pregnancies and complicated health problems. This investigation was convened as the result of a petition drive led by the anti-abortion extremist group Operation Rescue. Kansas is one of six states that allow citizens to petition for a grand jury to convene. The grand jury investigating Dr. Tiller has been extended for an additional three months. Previous investigations into Dr. Tiller’s clinic have not produced evidence of any wrong-doing. Kiani was still stoned to death on July 5, 2007. Ebrahimi’s death was stayed due to the public outcry, and last week the Iranian judiciary amnesty commission released her from prison.


Feminist Daily Newswire 03/03/08; The Topeka Capital-Journal 03/08/08; The Witchita Eagle 04/08/08; Lawrence Journal News 04/08/08

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