
Keep Guns Away from Abusers, says New York Times

A New York Times editorial urges members of Congress to support the law that prohibits anyone convicted of domestic violence from purchasing a gun, and reject two bills that would gut that law. The law has come under attack from police organizations because it does not exempt police officers from the gun ban. The New York Times responds, “If anything, officers should be held to higher standards of conduct than ordinary citizens. Domestic violence is also an indication of an inability to deal with anger, a sound reason to remove guns from officers with this problem.” Police groups argued that the law would throw too many police officers out of a job. But the editorial points out that many police departments, such as the New York City police department, do not hire police officers with misdemeanor convictions for domestic violence anyway. The gun ban law was passed last fall by a vote of 97 to 2 in the Senate. Source:


New York Times - 3/20/97

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