
Kennedy Calls for a Subpoena Into CAP Records

Senator Kennedy (D-MA) is calling for the Senate Judiciary Committee to issue a subpoena into the Concerned Alumni of Princeton (CAP) Library of Congress records because Senator Kennedy said Alito’s response to questions on CAP do not add up. Alito has said that he does not remember joining the group or renewing his membership, but he has said that because he listed it on a 1985 job application, he must have been a member. He repeatedly said that he has “wracked” his memory and cannot remember any details of his involvement with the ultra-conservative group, but he believes he must have joined because he was unhappy with the treatment of ROTC at Princeton, which was removed from campus in the early 1970s (Alito graduated in 1972). However, Kennedy said that his staff has gone through all of the issues of the CAP newsletter “Prospect” from 1983-1985 and found only one reference to ROTC. Moreover, it appears that ROTC was reestablished on Princeton’s campus in 1973 and was no longer controversial thereafter.

Senator Kennedy read aloud passages from several articles in the CAP magazine that demonstrated the group’s great hostility toward women in Princeton and toward minorities. Alito disavowed any support of the ideas and views expressed in the magazine, and said he never read any of these articles at the time. Alito also said he did not recall reading about the very public resignations of former Senator Bill Bradley in 1973 and current Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist in 1974.

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