Lady Gaga spoke out against Arizona’s anti-immigration law, SB 1070, at a show in Phoenix, Arizona last Saturday. Gaga, who had the phrase “Stop SB 1070” written on her forearm, instructed the audience to peaceably protest the state. Gaga told the crowd of over 14,000 that, “We have to be active. We have to protest,” according to the Arizona Republic. Several pop stars, including Kanye West and Rage Against the Machine, cancelled their tour dates in Arizona to protest SB 1070. Gaga said she had been pressured to cancel her show as well, however, Gaga told the audience that she didn’t believe pop stars boycotting Arizona would have any impact and said she wanted to bring the fight into the center of Arizona. She said, “I’ll tell you what we have to do about SB 1070: We have to be active,” reported Rolling Stone. Gaga told the story of a boy she had met who had been adversely affected by the law. According to Gaga, police raided this boy’s house after he received a parking ticket and subsequently deported his brother to Mexico. Gaga said she found this “disgusting,” and continued, “I think it’s important that people understand that it’s a state of emergency for this place and this state,” reported Rolling Stone. SB 1070 was passed in April and allows law enforcement officials in Arizona to request proof of legal immigration, residency, or citizenship of anyone they suspect might be an illegal immigrant. It is currently the subject of at least six law suits, including one filed by the Department of Justice.