
Laura Bush Speaks on the Inclusion of Afghan Women in Reconstruction Process

On Saturday, for the first time in history, the first lady delivered the presidential radio address to the nation. Calling the war on terrorism “a fight for the rights and dignity of women,” Laura Bush emphasized the need for Afghan women to participate in the reconstruction of post-Taliban Afghanistan, including the formation of a new government. Bush emphatically stated, “The brutal oppression of women is a central goal of the terrorists.” The first lady also emphasized the U.S. government’s position that “Only Afghans can determine the future government of their country. And Afghan women should have the opportunity to play a role in that future.”

Paula Dobriansky, undersecretary of state for global affairs, met with women in the U.S. House and Senate as well as representatives from a variety of non-governmental organizations to discuss efforts to include women in the reconstruction process. “We recognize the key role women can play in the political and economic recovery for a future Afghanistan,” said Dobriansky. “We support the inclusion of Afghan women in the planning and reconstruction of a future Afghanistan.”

The Feminist Majority is leading a massive campaign aimed at the restoring Afghan women’s rights, assuring that women have a role in the reconstruction process, and re-establishing a constitutional democracy in Afghanistan in which women have equal rights. To learn how you can help, log on to www.HelpAfghanWomen.com.


Washington Post, 11/18/01; Feminist Majority

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