In February of 2001, more than 70 organizations, including the Feminist Majority Foundation, submitted a joint petition to the FDA demanding that emergency contraception be approved for over-the-counter use. Since then, the Women’s Capital Corporation, the manufacturer of Plan B¨, has applied to the FDA to change the distribution status of Plan B¨ from prescription to over-the-counter. FMF’s Campus Program has launched a major campaign to petition the FDA to make emergency contraception available over-the-counter. CASE WESTERN RESERVE UNIVERSITY Feminist Majority Leadership Alliance in Ohio is working with their Women’s Health Center to make emergency contraception (EC) available on campus and educate the student body about its use and availability. To better promote access to health services and resources for women on campus, the newly chartered MARSHALL UNIVERSITY (WV) FMLA affiliate created wallet cards with information on local rape crisis centers, reproductive health centers, and general information on women’s health. The MARIETTA COLLEGE FMLA in Ohio hosted a Mifepristone birthday party with over 50 people in attendance, commemorating the Food and Drug Administration’s approval in the year 2000. They used the event to educate their campus about Mifepristone and emergency contraception. MARIETTA COLLEGE FMLA activist Julie Knepper wrote an excellent letter to the editor on the difference between EC and Mifepristone and on local access to reproductive health services. The recently chartered FMLA at WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY is also participating in the ECOTC campaign, educating their campus about the importance of access to EC by tabling regularly with ECOTC materials. The USC FMLA co-sponsored with their campus Women’s Student Assembly to promote women’s health during a breast cancer awarness event, tabling with ECOTC petitions and reproductive health information. Join the campaign today by educating your campus about EC and organizing a petition drive to the FDA. Use FMF’s national petition to collect signatures and then mail the petitions in to us so we can deliver them in bulk to the FDA! New resources and materials coming soon! Visit the Prescribe Choice ECOTC campaign website.