
Leading Female Peacemakers Form Coalition

Women Waging Peace, organized by Swanee Hunt, a former U.S. ambassador and director of the Women and Public Policy Program at Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government, which sponsored the event, launched a global network to move women’s peace efforts toward shaping public policy.

Over two weeks, 110 women from around the world attended workshops and seminars to discuss and learn from one another about issues such as conflict resolution, power dynamics and Internet training.

The Feminist Majority Foundation sent three delegates to this phenomenal event. Participants responded positively to the experience indicating that it opened their eyes to the universal nature of conflict. “They come together as a network of women who are determined to stop the violence in some of the most dangerous regions of the world,” said Hunt.

“The Women Waging Peace Conference provided a landmark forum for women to meet and discuss strategies to bring about social change and more importantly solutions for peace in some of the most severe conflicts in the world. This was an important gathering to demonstrate to the world’s policy makers that women are the leading stakeholders in their communities and therefore must be involved in all discussions regarding conflict resolution and peacemaking,” states Cherreka Montgomery, the Feminist Majority Foundation’s Senior Associate.


Washington Post and Feminist Majority Foundation - December 17, 1999

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