
Maine Christian Conservative Groups Mount Anti-Abortion Campaign

The Christian Civil League of Maine and the Christian Coalition of Maine have announced a petition drive that would put late-term abortion to a public vote. Maine legislatures voted against a bill that would have banned D&X abortions except when women’s lives are in danger.

The referendum will be similar to the proposed federal bill and could ban the late-term abortion procedure. Over half of all U.S. states have enacted D&X abortion bans. Abortion rights groups have filed 16 lawsuits against the bans, 13 of the suits resulting in partial or full enjoinments. Many of the courts ruled that the ban is unconstitutional and violates women’s right to a safe abortion.

The two conservative Christian groups successfully overturned Maine’s gay rights law by ballot initiative last February.

Feminist News Stories on Abortion


AP - April 28, 1998

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