A poll conducted earlier this month by NBC News and the Wall Street Journal found that a majority of Americans agree with the Affordable Care Act’s (ACA) contraception mandate. The mandate requires employers to provide coverage for FDA-approved contraceptives, including the pill and IUDs, without co-pays or deductibles, helping millions of women afford vital health care.

53 percent of the 1,000 adults surveyed by telephone said that they believe employers should be required to include contraception coverage in workers’ health plans even if the employers oppose its use [PDF]. The numbers were greatest among certain groups: 65 percent of women between the ages of 18 and 49, 61 percent of voters in the Northeast, and 72 percent of voters identifying as Democrats agreed with the mandate. 41 percent disagreed, saying employers should have the same exemption as religious organizations, and 6 percent said they were unsure.
Although the administration has allowed churches to opt out of the mandate and offered special arrangements for Catholic-affiliated universities, hospitals and charities, several for-profit companies are still trying to avoid following the law. The Supreme Court will hear oral arguments on March 25 from two companies claiming the contraception mandate violates their religious beliefs, Hobby Lobby craft store and Conestoga Wood.
TAKE ACTION: Send a clear message to the Supreme Court before the oral arguments on March 25 that companies should not be able to use religion as cover to discriminate against women. Leave stories and tell the Court why BC coverage matters to you! Share the petition online using the tag #MyBodyMyBC! You can also join Feminist Majority Foundation and 1,000 other activists at the Supreme Court on March 25 to show your support.
Media Resources: Wall Street Journal 3/12/14; MSNBC 3/2014; Change.org; Feminist Newswire 11/26/13, 1/6/14