A recent Los Angeles Times Poll reported that 68% of Americans favor laws to protect lesbians and gays from job discrimination and 66% reported their support of laws protecting against housing discrimination (LA Times Poll/Nation 6/8-6/13). The survey indicates a shift in public opinion that supports a more open acceptance and understanding of individual sexual preference. Seven years ago only 30% of Americans admitted to knowing an openly gay person compared with 70% presently. Although public opinion demonstrates a higher acceptance of gay rights there remains reluctance on the part of some institutions ranging from the Boy Scouts of Americans to churches. The Episcopalian Church has refused to officially state a policy to integrate lesbian and gay rights and the consecration of same-sex marriages. Many conservatives within the church have in the past “called homosexuality incompatible with Scripture.” This opinion is in strong contrast with poll results that show 50% of Americans favoring gay and lesbian marital rights equal to those of same-sex marriages (LA Times Poll/Nation 6/8-6/13).