
Mary Jo Kilroy Wins Close Ohio House Race

Mary Jo Kilroy won a tight race for Ohio’s 15th congressional district by a 2,311 vote margin and officially declared victory last night. Kilroy faced Ohio state Senator Steve Stivers, a Republican, in her second bid for a House seat. Provisional ballots put Kilroy over the top against Stivers, who was leading by 594 votes before provisional ballots were counted, according to the Washington Post. In 2006, Kilroy lost her race by only 1,062 votes against Republican incumbent, Deborah Pryce.

Kilroy was widely supported by a number of feminist groups in her current campaign and had been endorsed by the Feminist Majority PAC, National Organization for Women PAC, Emily’s List, National Women’s Political Caucus, Women’s Action for New Directors PAC, and NARAL. Kilroy is a strong proponent of women’s rights issues, including full funding of reproductive services by health insurance programs, expansion of healthcare access, and stricter enforcement of civil rights laws. She opposes the global gag rule and legislation that dismantles Roe v. Wade.

Kilroy told the Columbus Dispatch that “it’s always a given that you’re most vulnerable in your first re-election. I will be the first Democrat to hold the title of representative of Ohio’s 15th in 40 years. I intend to keep that honor and distinction through hard work, through honorable service to the people of this district.”


Feminist Daily Newswire 12/11/06; Columbus Dispatch 12/8/08; Feminist Majority PAC; Washington Post 12/8/08

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