
Maryland Man Sentenced to 5 Years for Plotting Clinic Violence

A US District Court yesterday sentenced Robert Weiler, 26, to five years in prison for plotting to blow up an abortion clinic and shoot abortion providers. This summer, Weiler’s parents notified authorities of their son’s erratic behavior, the Balitmore Sun reports, and investigators for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) learned of his full plan after speaking with Weiler’s friends. On June 7, Weiler confessed to building a pipe bomb that was being concealed at his parents’ house and possessing a loaded firearm, both of which were to be used to damage or injure the Metropolitan Family Planning Institute in College Park, Maryland and its staff members.

In 2003, Weiler was convicted in Utah for stealing $22 worth of gas and attempting to escape from authorities. This prior conviction made it illegal for Weiler to be in possession of a firearm. Weiler pled guilty to concealing a pipe bomb, possessing a firearm as a convicted felon, and attempting to destroy or damage an abortion clinic.

Rod J. Rosenstein, the Maryland US attorney, said of the case, “We must continue to act quickly against anyone who plots to murder doctors or bomb abortion clinics,” the Sun reports.

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Baltimore Sun 12/18/2006; AP 12/18/2006

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