
Mavis Leno Chats with Students on Afghan Women

College students nationwide joined Feminist Majority Campaign to Stop Gender Apartheid in Afghanistan Chair Mavis Leno online to chat about how students can get involved in the FM Campaign to mobilize awareness and support for women and girls in Afghanistan. Leno focused the discussion on the humanitarian crisis for Afghan refugees, seventy percent of whom are women and children, and the need for the restoration of women’s rights, re-establishment of a constitutional democracy, and economic development in Afghanistan. Students expressed concern for the Afghan women, support for military action, and a desire to bring peace to Afghanistan. In response to a question about ensuring peace to the region, Leno responded, “The recipe for peace is simple and obvious to state, but harder to achieve. It is the eradication of poverty, abuse, and injustice, which is the breeding ground for rage.”

Feminist Majority Leadership Alliances, campus groups throughout the U.S., have been raising awareness of gender apartheid and collecting funds to send directly to Afghan women and girls living in refugee areas in Pakistan. To find out more about the Feminist Majority Leadership Alliances and learn how to start a group on your campus, log on to www.feministcampus.org.

To find out how you can get involved in the Feminist Majority’s Campaign to Stop Gender Apartheid in Afghanistan aimed at increasing humanitarian aid, restoring Afghan women’s rights, and ensuring women’s participation in the reconstruction of Afghan government, visit www.HelpAfghanWomen.com.


Feminist Majority; Feminist Majority Foundation

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