
McKinney Sentenced to Rank Reduction, Files Suit Against Plaintiff

Sgt. Maj. Gene McKinney was sentenced to a reduction in rank and a reprimand for attempting to obstruct justice during a sexual misconduct trial. McKinney, who faced 18 charges of sexual misconduct and one charge of obstruction of justice, was acquitted of all sexual misconduct charges. Six women had testified against McKinney, claiming that he sexually harassed them.

McKinney will retire with an honorable discharge and has filed a $1.5 million libel suit against plaintiff Brenda L. Hoster. Retired Army Sergeant Major Hoster accused McKinney of grabbing her in a Honolulu hotel. McKinney was prohibited from suing any of the other women who testified against him due to a military rule that prohibits service members from suing subordinates or superiors.

Hoster told NBC, “I think this is a campaign of intimidation and I’m not intimidated by it.”

Feminist News Stories on Sexual Harassment, Assault and Discrimination in the Military


Washington Post, Reuters - March 17, 1998

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