
Mexico City Provides Free HPV Vaccination

The Mexican City government has launched a free Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) vaccination campaign to reduce cervical cancer rates. About 35,000 girls between ages 11 and 13 will be vaccinated at the city’s clinics. After Panama initiated a similar campaign in October of 2008, the Mexican government allotted 10 million dollars to their existing campaign, Programa de Accion Especifico de Cancer Cervico Uternino 2007-2012 (Specific Action Program on Cervical Cancer 2007- 2012). The first in the series of three vaccinations was given to thousands of girls in Mexico City in December 2008.

The comprehensive plan first launched in 2007 aims “to reduce the mortality and morbidity rates through the provision of excellent services for the promotion, prevention, detection, diagnosis, treatment and suffering control, as well as the responsible participation of the population on health care,” according to RH Reality Check.

Cervical cancer is the most common form of cancer among Mexican women. According to a report (see PDF from the HPV Information Center, approximately 5,775 Mexican women die annually from cervical cancer. The cervical cancer mortality rate in Mexico (11.2 per 100,000 people) is the highest mortality rate of any cancer affecting women.


RH Reality Check 7/23/09; HPV Information Center

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