
Military Promotes First Woman to Four-Star General

Lieutenant General Ann E. Dunwoody became the first woman to be promoted to the rank of a four-star general on Friday. According to CNN, Dunwoody became a three-star general in 2005, which made her the highest ranking woman in the Army at the time.

According to MSNBC News, the Army promoted its first woman one-star general in 1970. Women have not reached the four-star rank because women are prohibited from “serving in combat roles, which historically have been the path to the highest-ranking positions” according to FOXNews.

In a previous statement on her promotion, Dunwoody said “I grew up in a family that didn’t know what glass ceilings were. This nomination only reaffirms what I have known to be true about the military throughout my career—that the doors continue to open for men and women in uniform” according to MSNBC.


CNN News 11/14/08; FOXNews 6/23/08; MSNBC 11/14/08

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