The anti-abortion extremist group, Center for Bioethical Reform, continues to harass, endanger, and misinform the American public, as it takes to the streets in large truck with pictures of aborted fetuses on its sides this month. According to the Center’s spokesperson, the vehicles, operated by drivers in body armor and helmets, will cruise the highways in cities such as San Diego, San Francisco, Detroit, Ann Arbor, Orlando, Miami, Long Island, and Manhattan, and Washington, DC during rush hour and park outside abortion clinics on Saturday mornings.
Feminist Majority Foundation Vice President, Katherine Spillar, says the campaign will only lead to traffic accidents and make people angry. “The typical abortion is done at eight weeks or less, when we are talking about a pre-embryo the size of a grain of rice. Women know from their experience that those photos aren’t what an abortion is.” The campaign has already begun to accomplish exactly what Spillar feared. According to the Orange County Register, the trucks have been spotted in Southern California, provoking angry calls, obscene gestures, and near misses on the highways.