
More Girls Attending School World-Wide

In the past decade, girls’ enrollment in school has increased around the world. Girls even outnumber boys in secondary schools in 18 countries, according to a new report by Population Action International.

The report also noted that many gender gaps still exist. A total of 51 countries showed evidence of a severe gap between girls and boys being educated.

Credit for the increase in enrollment has been attributed to a greater awareness of the importance of women, along with general economic growth.

Malawi, which has shown improved enrollment, no longer expels pregnant girls automatically. However, in Africa and Latin America, more and more teenage girls are dropping out of school because of unplanned pregnancies.

In Pakistan, girls are still discouraged from associating with male students and teachers.

The report also mentioned that the number of girls in the gap is increasing due to rapid growth in the number of school-aged children.

“For a girl anywhere in the world, education opens the door to a better life for herself, her family, and her community,” said Amy Coen, head of Population Action International.


Associated Press - October 18, 1998

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