
More Than 100,000 US Women Have Used Mifepristone

Danco Laboratories, the sole distributor in the US for mifepristone or the “abortion pill,” announced today that in the past two years more than 100,000 women in the US have used mifepristone for a safe and effective early medical abortion. These numbers are the first definitive accounting of mifepristone usage in the US released by Danco since the Food and Drug Administration approved the drug on September 28, 2000. Danco noted that usage of mifepristone has steadily increased, with 36 percent higher sales for the first eight months of this year as compared to last year.

“More than 100,000 women nationally and over 1 million women globally agree with the FDA, mifepristone is a safe and effective option for early medical abortion. Additionally, clinical trials using mifepristone for a myriad of conditions including breast cancer, uterine fibroids, uterine cancer and psychotic depression are showing that it is also safe and effective for many illnesses disproportionately affecting women,” said Dr. Beth Jordan, a women’s health specialist and medical director of the Feminist Majority Foundation. “The multiple medical potential of this drug is finally being tapped.”

Beginning in 1989, the Feminist Majority Foundation led the 12-year campaign to make mifepristone available in the US. In December of 1998, the Feminist Majority Foundation became the sole provider of mifepristone for compassionate use patients in the US – physicians are able to obtain “compassionate use” FDA permission for treating critically ill patients who have exhausted other treatment options. The Feminist Majority Foundation is now leading the drive for the expansion of clinical trials on the multiple medical benefits of mifepristone.

LEARN MORE FMF’s Campaign For Mifepristone And Contraceptive Research


Danco Laboratories 9/24/02; Feminist Majority Foundation 9/24/02

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