Ms. magazine launched its 30th anniversary celebration today by honoring women athletes, artists, philanthropists, and activists at its Women of the Year Awards in New York City. The event was emotion-packed as Ms. awarded September 11 heroes Kathy Mazza, a Port Authority Police captain, Yamel Merlino, an emergency medical technician, and Moira Smith, a New York City Police Officer. All three women lost their lives saving others in the twin towers of the World Trade Center. Their husbands and relatives were present at the awards ceremony to accept their honor. Ms. also recognized and awarded the women of Afghanistan “for pursuing everyday acts of resistance in the face of brutal, gender-based oppression.” Shekaiba Wakili, an Afghan woman active in the New York Afghan community, accepted the award on the behalf of all of the courageous Afghan women who endured under the Taliban.
All of the women honored at the Women of the Year Awards will be profiled in the December 2001/January 2002 issue of Ms. These women include Venus and Sirena Williams, Yoko Ono, Michelle Yeoh, Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA), Rebecca Gomperts, Magda Escobar, Sylvia Rhone, Jennifer Erickson, Roberta Riley, Naomi Klein, and Marleine Bastien.
Feminist Majority Foundation President Eleanor Smeal and Ms. co-founder Gloria Steinem attended the celebration and spoke about combining the forces of FMF and Ms. The Feminist Majority Foundation is assuming ownership of Liberty Media for Women, the publisher of Ms. magazine. For more information, see “Ms. Magazine and Feminist Majority Foundation Join Forces.”