
NAACP Hosts Legislative Mobilization Conference in DC in September

The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) will be holding a National Legislative Mobilization Conference on September 8-10, 2002 at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Washington DC. Members and leaders from across the country will gather to become active participants in the legislative process, gain insight into the issues that affect our communities, and meet with elected officials in the House and Senate to educate them on the priorities of the NAACP. Panel discussions will focus on Criminal Justice, Healthcare and Entitlement Programs, Education, Housing, Economic Development, and Labor Issues, Election Reform, and Voting Rights. The Conference will be preceded by a Pre-Mobilization Conference entitled “Women: Finding and Using Power” on September 7-8, 2002. This portion will address critical and emerging issues facing women. The Conference will culminate with a march and rally on Capitol Hill and scheduled visits with congressional representatives. A special aspect of this conference is the great opportunity to network with college students from across the country that are discussing and mobilizing on these issues on their local campuses. The registration for this conference is FREE to all NAACP Members. NAACP College Chapter Membership is $15. If you are interested in participating in this conference, please contact Nicholas Wiggins nwiggins@gwu.edu. For more information, visit http://www.naacp.org

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