
National Gender Equity Campaign Launched in South Africa

A campaign was launched in South Africa today by the National Gender Machinery that aims to create equal representation of women in political and decision-making positions in both the public and private sectors. The South African government will use some affirmative action measures to ensure progress toward gender parity.

Minister in the Presidency Dr. Manto Tshabalala-Msimang told the South African national assembly this week that “we are again reminded that such processes requires adequate funding and full support and commitment by the political leadership, which will then cascade into the administrative and governance spheres of society, at all levels and in all sectors, including the private and corporate world,” according to BuaNews. At another meeting, the minister said that “women constitute the majority of the population and this is [a sufficient reason] to dictate women’s inclusion in all decisions concerning them whether it is economic, social, political, or developmental.”

All members of the South Africa Development Community (SADC) plan to embark on similar campaigns. According to Tshabalala-Msimang “the national campaign is envisaged to meet the target that by 2014 at least all SADC member states should have a representation of 50-50, to ensure that all legislative measures are accompanied by public awareness campaigns which demonstrate the vital link between the equal representation and participation of women and men in decision making positions,” All Africa reported.


All Africa 2/19/09; BuaNews 2/18/09

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