
National Hate Crimes Prevention Call in Day _ September 7


On June 20, the Senate passed (57-42) a hate crimes prevention amendment to the Department of Defense Authorization bill, however the House of Representatives has not agreed to include the amendment in its version of the Department of Defense Authorization bill. In order for the amendment to become law, the House must agree to include it in the final Department of Defense Authorization bill.

The hate crimes amendment will allow federal prosecution of hate crimes directed against a person’s race, religion, color, national origin, gender, sexual orientation and disability. The Feminist Majority Foundation believes that hate crimes are serious and require federal law to combat them effectively. Congress must not adjourn this year without enacting legislation to strengthen the federal response to hate crime violence.

TAKE ACTION„Call Congress at (202) 225-3121 and urge your representative to vote for inclusion of the hate crimes amendment in the final Department of Defense Authorization bill.


UnitedAgainstHate.org _ September 5, 2000

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