
Navy Officer Responsible for Handling Sexual Harrassment Claims Accused of Sexual Harrassment

The Navy officer responsible for handling sexual and racial harrassment complaints is undergoing a court martial for allegedly sexually harassing two female subordinates. Captain Everett Greene, who was in line for promotion to rear Admiral, faces acc usations of having an “unduly familiar personal relationship with a junior subordinate,” of “creating a hostile work environment,” and conduct unbecoming an officer. Yesterday, former Navy Lt. Pamela Castrucci told the Court Martial panel that in 1993, when she worked for Greene, she could not stop his overtures and became increasingly frustrated by them. Lt. Mary E. Felix also accuses him of writing to them, refusing to stop when requested and using his rank to intimidate them. The Navy, besieged by sexual harassment complaints since the 1991 Tailhook incident, has created an eight member panel (five of whom are admirals) to hear the cases. Greene is possibly the highest ranking officer to face a court martial since World War II.


NewsHound, San Jose Mercury Press - October 13, 1995

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