Attorneys for two women cadets at the Citadel released new information on recent hazing incidents. The attorneys claim that male cadets sprayed the women with nail polish and set their clothes on fire, not once, but three times within the past two months. Male cadets also allegedly entered the female cadet’s rooms late at night, sung them sexually explicit songs and forced them to drink alcoholic beverages. One recruit, Jeanie Mentavlos, was forced to drop her pants to reveal a hidden tape recorder. Her attorney, Tim Kulp, claims that the women decided to record the harassment because they, “knew no one would believe them as to the fact the line had been crossed.”
The female cadets did report the harassment to cadet officers, but the officers ignored their complaints. Mentavlos’ older brother Michael, a senior at the academy, proceeded with two other senior cadets to report the harassment to school officials. The schools has suspended two cadets and relieved five others of military duty pending the outcome of a full investigation. The school also installed alarm buttons in the women’s room which, if pushed, sound in a guard’s room. The two harassed women are currently living off campus during finals weeks because of safety fears. The two other women cadets, who are in a different company, have remained on campus and have not reported any harassment.