
New Hampshire Poised to Provide Nonprescription Emergency Contraception

New Hampshire’s state legislature has given final approval to a bill that will allow women access to emergency contraception (EC) without a prescription. Governor John Lynch (D) has pledged to sign the bill into law, making New Hampshire the seventh state to allow trained pharmacists to provide EC to women without doctors’ prescriptions. A similar bill passed last year but was vetoed by then-Governor Craig Benson, a Republican.

Gov. Lynch said that he believes “we must work together to reduce the need for abortions. Emergency contraception is a safe and effective way to do that,” according to the Associated Press. The House defeated an amendment that would have required parental consent for minors, according to the Union Leader.

TAKE ACTION Urge the FDA to immediately approve over-the-counter status for emergency contraception

LEARN MORE Download a fact sheet on emergency contraception for pharmacy access states

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Concord Monitor 5/26/05; Associated Press 5/26/05; Union Leader 5/26/05

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