According to a recent report by the Guttmacher Institute, teens are not receiving adequate sex education. The report, Changes in Formal Sex Education: 1995-2002, found that there has been a steady decrease in the percentage of students, both female and male, that have received information concerning different methods of birth control. Furthermore, the report identifies black teens as being even less likely to receive information about birth control compared to their white peers, finding that “only one in three sexually experienced black males and fewer than half of sexually experienced black females had received instruction about birth control methods.” The findings also show that the sex education teens do receive often occurs after they have already begun to engage in sexual activities.
Although healthcare professionals overwhelmingly support comprehensive sex education, more money is being spent on abstinence-only sex education. The Guttmacher Institute concludes that “efforts are needed to expand teenagers’ access to medically accurate and comprehensive reproductive health education.”
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