
New Social Security Policy Will Protect Domestic Violence Victims

A new federal policy announced by Vice President Gore Wednesday will allow victims of domestic violence to obtain new social security numbers in order to escape their abusers.

“Today, our message to the victims of these hateful crimes is this: we will offer you the protection you need to regain your safety and rebuild your life,” said Vice President Al Gore. “You have suffered enough without having to fight for the protections you need to start a new life for yourself and your children.”

Victims can obtain a new Social Security number by providing written confirmation of the domestic abuse from a third party. Those parties considered reliable include physicians, law enforcement officials, and workers at shelters.

Previous requirements to receive a new Social Security number required victims to provide proof that their numbers had been misused by their abusers, which was very difficult to do.

The Social Security Administration’s Web site, www.ssa.gov, will feature the steps victims must take in order to change their Social Security numbers, and will also provide useful referral information for victims.


U.S. Newswire - November 4, 1998

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