A new Siena College Research Institute poll released today found that the majority of New York residents support the legalization of same-sex marriage in the state. The poll (see PDF) found that New Yorkers support passage by a 53 to 39 percent margin. The strongest support of passage is from Democrats, Independents, women, and young voters and the strongest opposition is from Republicans, men, African Americans, Protestants, and older voters.
Steven Greenberg, poll spokesman, said “By a fairly significant margin, voters would like to see New York join with Vermont, Massachusetts, Iowa, and other states in allowing same sex couples to marry here. For women and young voters it’s a resounding ‘yes.’ men and older voters are more closely divided and more likely to say ‘no.'”
Governor David Paterson announced a bill that would legalize same sex marriage in the state last week. The same bill passed the state Assembly, but was defeated in the state Senate in 2007, according to CNN. The New York state Senate is currently ruled by a slim 32 to 30 Democratic majority and many reports indicate that the bill’s passage in the Senate is unlikely.
The poll found that Governor Paterson’s approval rating has slipped to 27 percent and also indicated low approval levels of Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY), who was appointed to replace now-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Forty-seven percent would prefer another candidate in the 2010 elections for Gillibrand’s seat.