The New Hampshire State Senate voted on Wednesday, without debate, to kill a bill passed by the New Hampshire State House that sought to establish a mandatory 24 hour waiting period before a woman could get an abortion. The House voted 198-100 on May 15 to include the provision in a business tax-credit bill even though the Senate had already voted last month against a different bill that sought to impose a 24 hour waiting period.
The state Senate passed the legislation to preserve the tax-credit portions of the bill. New Hampshire State Senate President Peter Bragdon said, “I think the Senate generally felt that that on issues related to business and taxes, distracting it with some of the social issues was not something the Senate wanted to revisit.”
26 States require a 24 hour waiting period. Earlier this month, Utah became the first state to enact a mandatory 72-hour waiting period.
Associated Press 5/24/12; New Hampshire Public Radio 5/24/12; Concord Monitor 5/24/12; Feminist Daily Newswire 5/16/12