
Nike’s Violent Commercial Yanked After Women Protest

A Nike commercial depicting a chainsaw-wielding maniac chasing a woman was yanked from NBC’s advertising lineup after more than 2,000 people called the network to object to the violence against women that the commercial portrayed. Nike paid to advertise during NBC’s prime time Olympic coverage„a time when a substantial number of women and children comprise the audience. Nike spokesperson Scott Reams said the commercial was designed to appeal to younger people who tend to flock to popular horror movies such as Scream and I Know What You Did Last Summer, but with a more diverse audience watching the Olympics, Nike’s ad was not well placed or well received. Nike is also running the ad on ESPN, a network whose typical audience is male. ESPN has not received any complaints about the violent commercial. The Feminist Majority Foundation, however, did receive calls from people voicing their concern and objecting to the Nike ad.


Washington Post _ September 19, 2000; USA Today _ September 19, 2000

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