
NOW and NAACP Take Action Regarding Women’s, Blacks’ Vote

The NAACP will file a lawsuit against Florida and several counties, alleging irregularities in the presidential election, and possible racial profiling. The discovery of a locked ballot box in the cafeteria of a predominately black precinct on November 8, 2000, prompted the lawsuit. NAACP CEO & President, Kweisi Mfume suggested the stray ballot box indicated an attempt to dilute the minority vote.

In an event to underline the importance of counting the votes of Florida women, the National Organization for Women (NOW) will hold a “Women’s Votes Count” rally at 9 a.m. on December 1, 2000, on the steps of the US Supreme Court building in Washington D.C. NOW President Patricia Ireland and other feminist activists will speak. The rally is immediately prior to the oral argument in the Florida recount challenge.


New York Times _ November 30, 2000; National Organization for Women

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