Over the last 20 years, New London, Connecticut police officer Genaro Velez Jr. has been arrested five times on domestic violence charges and has had five restraining orders against him from four different women, reports a Connecticut online information source. All five of the charges were eventually dropped, and Velez has never been disciplined or tried for the crimes. In April 1988, after claims that Velez had beaten his girlfriend, then-Police Chief Richard Kistner warned Velez in a letter that future domestic violence would “result in severe disciplinary action.” In response, Velez filed a grievance and police agreed to remove the letter from his file after 18 months. Over the next four years, Velez was arrested 2 more times, on charges that included third-degree assault, kidnapping and sexual assault. The New London Police Department continues to deny any wrongdoing in the investigations and claims that each situation was handled appropriately. Velez remains on the job. Police family violence is a significant problem in police departments.