
“Go Girl” Act Would Encourage Females in Science Careers

Representative Lynn Woolsey (D-CA), along with 17 other Congress members, recently introduced the Getting Our Girls Ready for the 21st Century Act, also known as the “Go Girl” Act of 2001, which would provide grant funding for training and activities to encourage girls to pursue studies and careers in science, mathematics, engineering, and technology. The bill would appropriate $50 million in funding for secondary and elementary school projects (starting in the fourth grade) that would combat the historical underrepresentation of women in these fields. “Females make up slightly more than 50 percent of this country’s population, but less than 30 percent of America’s scientists are women,” Rep. Woolsey said. Funded projects would include tutoring, mentoring, providing funding for female students and their teachers to attend events and academic programs in scientific fields, holding summer programs in mathematics, and other proposals.

Take Action! Support the “Go Girl” Act


Text of Bill H.R. 1536, U.S. Congress and Representative Lynn Woolsey, Press Release, April 2001

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