
OH May Limit Mifepristone to Life, Health Endangerment

Ohio state legislators introduced a bill Thursday that would limit the use of Mifepristone, the early-option abortion pill, to cases where the life, physical health or mental health of the pregnant woman is in danger. These restrictions go far beyond those on surgical abortion and would be unconstitutional. Under the proposed law, a physician could prescribe Mifepristone only if the “life or physical health” of the woman is at risk, or if a psychiatrist will provide a written statement that the woman’s mental health is in danger. The bill has not yet passed either the Ohio state House or Senate. The Ohio state legislature has also recently considered a bill that would require a woman to get the consent of the father before getting an abortion, and a bill that would have created “Choose Life” license plates that would benefit anti-choice Heartbeat International.

Learn More About Mifepristone

Contact your OH State Representative or your OH State Senator


Kaiser Daily Reproductive Health Report www.kff.org - September 17, 2001, NARAL Ohio

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