
One NY Man Responsible for Dozens of AIDS Infections, Police Say

Police in rural Chautauqua County, NY, have charged Nushawn Williams, 20, with having sex with young women and girls, knowing he had AIDS.

The case came to light when the partner of a female who had sex with Williams became infected with HIV. Nine cases of direct infection through Williams have already been documented, six of whom were infected after he knew he had the HIV virus.

Police speculate Williams may have traded drugs for sex. He hung out in parks and near schools looking for teenage girls. He has 28 known sex partners in the region, ranging from age 13 to 24. Because he traveled frequently, he may have infected many more in other areas. Chautauqua County has issued a warrant for his arrest, charging statutory rape. Williams is currently jailed in New York City on drug charges. District Attorney James Subjack said he will charge Williams with reckless endangerment and first-degree assault for every person he infected. “It takes an individual with no regard for human life to do something like this,” he said.


AP - October 28, 1997

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