Operation Rescue, an extremist anti-abortion group, has launched a website – abortiondocs.org – which lists the photographs and addresses of abortion providers, as well as maps to find their places of business. The website, which describes itself as the “largest collection of documents on America’s abortion cartel,” aims to list every abortion provider in the country. Kathy Spillar, executive vice president of the Feminist Majority Foundation and co-founder of the National Clinic Access Project, stated, “What causes us real concern is fear of where this could be headed. It opens the possibility that some so-called ‘grass-roots activist,’ who does believe in the use of violence, will be able to use this as a tool for stalking doctors, which has happened.” Rachel Maddow remarked on her show on MSNBC last night that website is Operation Rescue’s attempt to take individual WANTED posters, which she described as “a tried and true means of intimidation for the anti-abortion movement,” to a national level through the web. She stated, this is “an extremist movement with a history of violence taking something that is arguably criminal and trying to make it more mainstream and national.”