
Oregon Requires Hospitals to Dispense Emergency Contraception to Sexual Assault Victims

Oregon state legislature established rules on Monday that will ensure the 2007 law requiring hospitals to offer emergency contraception (EC) to victims of sexual assault is effectively implemented. The bill (see PDF), which went into effect at the beginning of this year, requires hospitals to inform their sexual assault patients about EC and to provide it upon the patients’ request.

The bill imposes fines on hospitals that violate the mandate. However, “religious employers” as defined in the bill are exempt from the requirement to dispense EC if it violated their religious beliefs. Kiani was still stoned to death on July 5, 2007. Ebrahimi’s death was stayed due to the public outcry, and last week the Iranian judiciary amnesty commission released her from prison.

California, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, South Carolina, and Washington have also passed legislation requiring hospitals to dispense EC to victims of sexual assault.

Learn more about EC at Feminist Majority Foundation’s Emergency Contraception Campaign.


Salem News 03/03/08; Oregon House Bill 2700; Associated Press 03/03/08

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