
Over 2 Million Americans Enrolled For Insurance Through ACA

Over 2 million of Americans have enrolled in health insurance plans offered through state marketplaces.  According to a report released yesterday by the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), almost 2.2 million people selected marketplace plans from October 1, when enrollment started, through December 28. A surge in enrollment took place in December before the deadline to get coverage by January 1. Of those enrolled, 80 percent qualified for financial assistance, almost a quarter are aged 18-34, and 30 percent are aged 34 and under.

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“Americans are finding quality affordable coverage in the Marketplace, and best of all, because coverage began on New Year’s Day, the promise and hope of the Affordable Care Act is now a reality,” said HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius.

The majority of those who have enrolled are women, at 54 percent.  The Affordable Care Act (ACA) has made it much easier for women to get affordable, quality health care coverage that fits their needs. It guarantees that plans cover FDA-approved contraceptives without co-pays or deductibles, cancer screenings, domestic violence counseling, and well women exams, as well as maternal care, mental health care, and pediatric services – among many others. It also does not allow insurance policies to charge women more simply because of their gender.

Enrollment remains open until March 31, and HHS expects to see an even greater surge in upcoming months, especially among young people.

Visit to learn more about the health insurance marketplaces and how to enroll.

Media Resources: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 1/13/14, Los Angeles Times 1/13/14;; Feminist Newswire 12/13/13, 12/17/13, 12/19/13

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