
Portugal Relaxes Abortion Laws

The Portugal Parliament passed a law legalizing abortions performed up to the 10th week of pregnancy. The vote, 116-107, came a year after a similar proposal was voted down.

Socialist Party delegate Sousa Pinto said, “This finally allows us to develop more sensitive, more appropriate measures” for dealing with unwelcome pregnancies. The new bill will take effect in 90 days and allows women who want an abortion to have consultations with family planning centers, where they will be referred to an abortion provider.

Abortions were decriminalized in Portugal 13 years ago. Women could obtain abortions when their health was in serious risk during the first three months of gestation. Last year 280 legal abortions were performed in Portugal, with pro-choice advocates estimating 16,000 botched, illegal abortions.

Feminist News Stories on Abortion


Nando.net - February 4, 1998

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