
Powell Supports Abortion Rights and Affirmative Action

In an interview with Barbara Walters, which airs Friday September 15, Colin Powell said he supports a woman’s right to choose and affirmative action. Starting off a book tour, and quite possibly a presidential bid, Powell labeled himself pro-choice, s tating that if a woman decides to have an abortion, “it’s a matter between her, her doctors, her family and her conscience and her God.”

Powell also said that he had benefited from affirmative action in the army and asked, “Why shouldn’t a group of senio r officials in a university take a look at the total background of these youngsters….They claim they just don’t let them in on the basis of the SAT scores. …” Powell also came out in support of silent prayer in schools, gun control and capital punishment. In the interview Powell did not disclose whether or not he would run for President in ’96. Nor did he state which party he would run as if he did make t he bid for the presidency.


New York Times News Service and Associated Press, September 12, 1995

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