Pro-choice Democrat Jennifer Wexton beat out two Republicans yesterday to win a special election seat in the Virginia Senate’s 33rd District.

According to reports from 90 percent of the precincts last night, Wexton beat her opponents with 53 percent of the vote. Republican John Whitbeck received 37 percent of the vote, while former Republican state Delegate Joe May only received about 10 percent of the vote.
“They’re sick of divisive and extreme politics,” Wexton told Loudoun Times about why her constituents voted for her. “They want to send someone to Richmond who will work across the aisle on common sense solutions–transportation, schools, the economy.”
Wexton, a former attorney and substitute judge, lists other issues she fights for on her website, including gun safety, ethics reform, voter’s rights, and women’s health. “We need to protect women’s rights to control our own healthcare and keep the government out of family planning decisions,” she writes. “I’m pro-choice, and will fight to repeal the mandatory ultrasound law and the TRAP regulations that target women’s health clinics.”
Wexton will succeed Mark Herring, who won the attorney general race in November and left his seat vacant. If Democrat Lynwood Lewis keeps his victory after a recount, then the 40-member Senate will be split evenly between Democrats and Republicans. However, Democrats will have the tie-breaker vote with recently elected Lt. Governor Ralph Northam.
Media Resources: Loudoun Times 1/21/14; Jennifer Wexton for State Senate; Leesburg Today 1/21/14; Feminist Newswire 10/14/13, 11/6/13, 12/19/13