
Proscovia Alengot Oromait Becomes Youngest Member in Ugandan Parliament

Proscovia Alengot Oromait has been elected to the Ugandan Parliament at age 19. She is the youngest politician elected in not only Uganda, but all of Africa.

According to Buzzfeed, Alengot Oromait won in a landslide, receiving twice as many votes as her runner up. The teenager decided to run for Parliament to fill her father’s position after his death in July.

Some have questioned whether she will be able to fill the role due to her age. Alengot Oromait responded to concerns in a local TV network interviews, “It does not matter. It’s not age that works, it’s the brain and the knowledge that one has.”

Alengot Oromait has pledged that in Parliament she will work to improve roads in the country and education.

Media Resources: Buzzfeed 9/19/12; Standard Digital 9/19/12

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