
Protecting Abortion in FL

Next Tuesday, Floridians will cast votes on Amendment 6, a state constitutional amendment that could endanger women’s health and interfere with a woman’s decision as to whether or not to end a pregnancy. This is why women’s advocates are urging voters to VOTE NO ON 6.

Amendment 6 is dangerous because it could:
– Ban insurance from covering the medical care a woman needing to end a pregnancy, even when her health is threatened.
– Cause a woman and her family to struggle to pay for necessary medical care in the case of a severe fetal abnormality – even though they have insurance.
– Amendment 6 could even prevent a pregnant woman with cancer from getting the care she needs to protect her health.

Sixty percent voter approval is necessary for the initiative to be enacted. According to Sara Vitale, Collier County Planned Parenthood spokeswoman, if the amendment passes, it will likely be “a gateway to ‘bad legislation,’ like personhood, which defines when human life begins, and TRAP, or targeted regulation of abortion providers, which restricts abortion accessibility through limits on providers.”

Media Resources: Feminist Majority Foundation Email 10/25/12; Naples News 10/31/12

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