The Museum of Television and Radio in Los Angeles hosted a reception and panel discussion on Monday night in honor of the 25th anniversary of the groundbreaking show, “Cagney and Lacey.” The television show, which featured two women plain-clothes police officers, was a favorite of feminists, who petitioned for the show to be continued after it was cancelled, Ms. reports.
Monday’s reception included a preview of the documentary featurette (with an interview with Gloria Steinem) that will be included on the soon-to-be-released DVD. In attendance were the show’s stars, Tyne Daly (who played Mary Beth Lacey) and Sharon Gless (Christine Cagney), along with co-creator Barbara Corday and producer Barney Rosenzweig. Corday and Rosenzweig are both hopeful that young women will embrace the show and that Cagney and Lacey can serve as role models for young women today.
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