Outgoing Ohio Secretary of State Ken Blackwell has ordered a recount in the state’s 15th district after Representative Deborah Pryce (R) was named the winner in a close race against challenger Mary Jo Kilroy (D). Kilroy was defeated by 1,055 votes, a margin so small that it requires a recount. According to the AP, an automatic recount is ordered in Ohio if two candidates receive a difference of less than one-half of one percentage point of the votes. The recount will be finished no later than December 8.
Over the past 20 days, Ohio election officials have been counting last-minute absentee ballots and verified provisional ballots that were not counted on November 7. Kilroy told the Columbus Dispatch that while she is not certain that the recount will change the result, it will help ensure that new voting equipment is functioning properly. The Columbus Dispatch also reports that Kilroy’s campaign might try to include the 2,600 provisional ballots that were rejected because they were cast outside of the would-be voters’ home precincts. These ballots were from Franklin County, where Kilroy has a lot of support.
Also in Ohio, Victoria Wulsin (D) conceded to Representative Jean Schmidt (R) earlier this week. Wulsin told the AP that she plans on running again in the future.
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