The United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM) released its findings that one third of women will be beaten, raped, or otherwise abused in her lifetime. According to UNIFEM, there has not been a dramatic reduction in violence against women despite progress combating the problem.
According to the Director of UNIFEM, Noleen Heyzer, “the scale of the problem vastly exceeds the resources committed. Over the last decade, it is amazing how much has been achieved with so little investment. But it’s no longer enough…it is critical that the international community- governments, foundations, the private sector – match the level of resources with the scale of the problem.”
In addition, Executive Director of the United Nations Population Fund Thoraya Obaid is insisting on zero tolerance of gender-based violence because “as long as it exists, we can not claim to be making steady progress towards equality, development, and peace,” reports The News in Monrovia. She is also calling for a massive and systematic response to the massive and systematic violations of women’s human rights.
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